What would their ideal carrier
be like?
- cost ideally 700-800 Ksh though they would
probably pay up to 1500 for something designed specifically
for them and for which they saw obvious benefits
- demand would be reasonable for something
specific but if it was designed as a multi-purpose carrier
it would sell better - there are paravets all over Kenya
but the number is hundreds not thousands
- something that catered for their domestic
carrying purposes as well as their equipment needs
- made from something light but tough -
they don't want to add to the weight
- waterproof on both inside for some compartments
and outside
- divided into compartments to carry different
equipment easily
- equipment should be readily accessible
once they reach a farm - something that opened out to reveal
all the contents
- glass bottles should have extra protection
in their pockets
- should be capable of being locked
- ideally fixed to the bicycle and balanced
- not at the back so they could still carry
a passenger
- should include a space for a puncture
repair kit and spare light bulbs
- have a separate compartment for drugs
- removable from bike complete
- tear proof material to resist thorns etc
at side of road
- special place for a thermometer
- pocket for record book, reference book,
- if a back pack they would like greater
comfort to stop straps and equipment digging in