What sorts of distance do they have to travel?

They each tend to have their own areas to cover, close to their own farms. However, sometimes they will travel into another area if they have already treated that person's animals before and they are trusted. The furthest they are likely to have to travel is about 10km and an average journey would be about 4-5km. They tend to make two journeys per day, one in the morning and another in the evening. During the rest of the day the animals are likely to be away from the farms grazing and the heat is so great that travelling is even more uncomfortable.

They learn about animals needing treatment by word of mouth. That is the traditional means of communication in the area. A child may pass on a message at school, a neighbour at a market or at a communal water point. Sometimes, a farmer who wants treatment urgently will ask a child or a neighbour to call on the paravet to deliver the message.

The number of visits they have to make per day varies from season to season though at the peak (June-July) they may be asked to make as many as five per day.



Before you begin

Web references

Specific design context
1. Product Design - A portable carrier

2. Product Design - An improved bicycle taxi seat

3. Product Design - Firewood Carrier

1. A portable carrier for vets

The area where paravets work

The origins of the roads
What are the roads like?
What are the bikes like?
How do they carry their equipment now?
What's wrong with current methods?
What distance do they travel daily?
What's their ideal carrier?
What diseases do they Treat?
What equipment do they carry?
What carrier making skills and materials are available?

  2. An improved bicycle taxi seat

The area where the taxis operate

The bicycle taxi business in Kisumu
What's a bicycle taxi like?
What are the current problems?
What would be an ideal bicycle taxi?
Have they tried other ideas
What materials and skills are available locally?
A bicycle taxi for a paravet?