What are the problems with the current bicycle taxis?

There are no gears on the bikes, whether modified or not. This makes journeys with heavy people and heavy weights extremely tough. When there is a hill, the passenger would have to dismount and both would walk. Bikes with gears are too costly for them to afford (as much as five times as expensive) and their way of life encourages people to live for today rather than to invest for tomorrow. Old habits take a very long time to change. Introducing the bicycle taxi was hard to achieve. Now they are accepted, another change will be just as tricky. Recent research suggested that to add gears would be as costly as to add a small motor.

The operators reckon they can carry up to 100 kilos weight though they admit that the top end of the scale is very hard work.

See also What would an ideal bicycle taxi be like?


Before you begin

Web references

Specific design context
1. Product Design - A portable carrier

2. Product Design - An improved bicycle taxi seat

3. Product Design - Firewood Carrier

1. A portable carrier for vets

The area where paravets work

The origins of the roads
What are the roads like?
What are the bikes like?
How do they carry their equipment now?
What's wrong with current methods?
What distance do they travel daily?
What's their ideal carrier?
What diseases do they Treat?
What equipment do they carry?
What carrier making skills and materials are available?

  2. An improved bicycle taxi seat

The area where the taxis operate

The bicycle taxi business in Kisumu
What's a bicycle taxi like?
What are the current problems?
What would be an ideal bicycle taxi?
Have they tried other ideas
What materials and skills are available locally?
A bicycle taxi for a paravet?