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What if?

The 'What if?' activity is intended for the idea generation stage of the design process. It is a creativity technique for AS & A2 students to use to generate ideas and provide new perspectives on a problem. Creativity techniques like this enable students to build on each other�s ideas and encourage new ways of thinking. These are important elements of successful ecodesign.

The Activity
� Get into a small group and ask your teacher for a large sheet of paper and a marker pen
� Choose a product in your group would like to redesign 
� Pick a sustainability issue relating to the product that you would like to improve

The rules: do not criticise, be as crazy as you like, listen to each other, have fun.

� In your group, generate some �What if�� questions related to the chosen sustainability issue e.g. if they were looking at energy reduction they might ask
�What if�we wanted to do the opposite?�
�What if�money was no object?�
�What if�we needed the solution tomorrow?�
�What if�there was no oil left in the world?�

� Write the �What if�� questions on the large sheet of paper and come up with possible solutions to their questions, e.g. 'What if there was no oil left�?'
'We could use alternative technology like solar or wind, or we could walk/ride a bike'

� By the end of the session your group should have generated a whole range of new ways of tacking the issue
� Circle the ideas that you like the most and which you think you may be able to use

Click on an creativity activity you would like to access: What if? or Random words

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