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Design AbacusDesign Abacus 

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A qualitative method of analysis used to identify areas for improvement, used individually or as a group

Used to rate a product on social, economic and environmental areas, in both the analysis and
planning of a design

Abacus work
The activity
� Each individual or group needs a
few blank abacus sheets
� Identify a number of issues affecting
social, economic or environmental factors and decide which issues you would like to address
� Write each issue
down, listing the ideal condition at the top and the worst condition at the bottom e.g. for 'end of life' the ideal condition is easy to disassemble & the worst case is difficult to disassemble
Estimate how good or bad the current product is in each area, and how confident you are about your estimate
� Once all the issues have been considered
draw a line to connect all the points in the issues area and all the points in the confidence levels

The Abacus is useful when:

Comparing two products or designs, using different coloured pens

� Assessing confidence levels

Click here to download a Blank Abacus or a Completed Abacus evaluating CD-Cases

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