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Students from three of the English pilot schools were present at the Design and Technology Association annual conference in Warwick in July to receive the first ever Sustainable Design Awards.

The scheme was officially launched by DATA’s Chief Executive, Jenny Jupe, who praised the partners of the scheme for meeting a real need for D&T teachers and students. Former Chief Inspector Mike Ive then presented students with their A2 certificates, complimenting them on the high standard of their completed projects and the innovative nature of their work.

From left: Jeremy Carne, Mike Ive (OFSTED), Jenny Jupe (DATA), Emma Berry, Ian Capewell, Bren Hellier (ITDG) and Kirstie Nicholls.

Kirstie Nicholls (left) and Emma Berry of Rugby High School with their completed products. Kirstie designed a simple electronic device for sealing recycled plastic bags. Emma produced a press capable of making different sized and shaped containers for use by street traders in countries like Kenya.

Representatives from the three partner organisations at the SDA Launch.
From left, Ian Capewell, Bren Hellier (ITDG), Ann MacGarry (CAT) and eddie Norman (Loughborough University)

Sarah Gaunt, of Denbigh School, Milton Keynes, with her completed back pack carrier, designed for use by paravets in Kenya.


During June and July, the SDA partners organised a total of 17 training days across the country from Launceston to Sevenoaks to York to Ormskirk. They were hectic days for the team, but as a result nearly 150 schools decided to enrol to enable their students to benefit from the scheme in 2003-4.

Enrolment is still possible, though schools need either to apply for a teaching pack, or even better, come to the next available training day. It is to be held at ITDG near Rugby, on 15 September. Anyone wishing to attend should contact the Education Unit at ITDG, email [email protected] or phone 01926-634519.

Teachers evaluating the impact of CD cases during a training day at Sevenoaks.


Study weekends for students from schools enrolled for the Award have been organised at
• Loughborough University 19-21 September
• Centre for Alternative Technology 4-6 October.
The CAT weekend has already been filled but there are still places available at Loughborough.

For further details, contact the Education Unit at ITDG either by email, [email protected] or by phone 01926-634519.

Cost per student is £25 but students must be accompanied by a teacher, for whom there is no charge. The weekend will give students the chance to take an in-depth look at sustainability issues within D&T as well as seeking advice on projects they may have decided to work on.

The weekends are for A2 level students only.

Sarah Gaunt and Rosalind Sharlot investigating the sustainability of different products at Loughborough University in 2002.

Clover Abbott of Loughborough University advising students from Coventry schools during the Loughborough University study weekend 2002.

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