:: Starter Activities
Belief Circles - Suggested Statements

AS Environmental

� I believe it�s the government�s job to make sure waste is disposed of properly, not mine.
� I believe people who use cars should have to pay high taxes to pay for the damage they cause to the environment.
� I believe we don�t need to bother about using up resources. There will always be plenty for everyone.

AS Social

� I believe people in other countries should learn to look after themselves. They�re not our responsibility.
� I believe women are exploited far more than men in the world.
� I believe it�s more important to be trendy than environmentally friendly.

AS Economic
� I believe that what I buy in the shops is my business and doesn�t affect anyone else in any way.
� I believe people should always get a fair wage for the work they do.
� I believe the most important thing in choosing what we buy is value for money.

A2 Environmental
� I believe we�ll always find new resources even if we use up those we�ve got now.
� I believe it�s just not possible to produce something without it doing a bit of environmental damage.
� I believe that, wherever possible, producers should try to use renewable materials and sources of energy.
� I believe it makes sense to try to design all products in such a way that they can be reused or recycled.

A2 Social
� I believe it�s much more important to be able to get a product easily than to be bothered about where it has come from or who made it.
� I believe that people have a free choice about where they live. If they choose to live where there�s a danger from pollution then that�s their problem.
� I believe that when children are used to make products, their families will be better off because there�s another income.

A2 Economic

� I believe there�s poverty in every country. We should be bothered about our own poor people, not those in other countries.
� I believe people who make products have a much harder job than those who sell them so they should get more of the profits.
� I believe it doesn�t really matter whether something is needed or not � making new products always creates jobs for people.