How can we make wood use more sustainable?

In Britain, we are among the largest consumers of industrial wood and paper in the world. We import wood and its products from over 100 countries and only produce 15% of our own timber. We use 30 times the amount of the average person in India. Thus our lifestyle here plays a significant part in the destruction of the world’s forests.  

To tackle this problem, we need to REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE!

Only use as much wood as it necessary.
Look into the possibility of sourcing reclaimed timber. To find out more about reclaimed timber -
Source materials that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (If you see the FSC logo on timber, it means that the wood has come from well-managed sources and that consumers can buy it in the knowledge that they are not contributing to global forest loss). To find out more about the Forest Stewardship Council -
To find out more about sustainable forestry -