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These are intended as starting points for discussion and should help you generate ideas of your own. Once you have a project, you are encouraged to go straight to the 'Sustain-a-balls' checklist. To do this click on the icon above. Alternatively, you may require a printable specific design brief, for these simply click on the link next to each context.

CAT (Northern 3): Food (specific design brief)
The food we eat has a huge effect on the environment. In the UK it represents about a third of our total impact on the planet, as measured by the ecological footprint. Much of that impact is caused by processing, packaging and transporting food. Design one or more food items that will have a reduced or positive impact on the planet.

Practical Action (
Southern 5): Sustainable cooking (specific design brief)
Cooking outdoors on an open fire is a summer treat in many northern hemisphere countries. In the southern hemisphere it is often their way of life. Investigate existing practices of open-fire cooking and design and make a cooking stove which is as fuel-efficient as possible.