:: Partners
Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
- www.cat.org.uk
CAT is an educational charity aiming to inspire people to live more sustainably.
Its activities include:
� a demonstration centre, displaying renewable energy, energy
conservation, ecological building design, organic growing, composting, transport
issues, water conservation and a variety of sewage systems
� a wide range of residential courses for groups (from primary
schools to an MSc in sustainable building)
� publications for pupils, teachers and the general public
CAT�s expertise relate to renewable energy sources,
building design, materials, composting, organic growing and food issues and
ecological foot-printing.
CAT will offer support in relation to the design contexts/briefs from CAT�s
work and can also do so for building design contexts. CAT is also the first
point of contact for schools in Wales for issues about the running of the
award in your school.